Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Suicide Squad Extended Cut Coming To Blu-Ray and Digital HD


Warner Bros UK has announced we'll be getting an extended cut of Suicide Squad and it'll be available to download on Digital HD from 28th November and on Blu-ray/DVD on 5th December.

Despite poor reviews from critics, David Ayer’s supervillain/anti-hero team up went on to make $739 million dollars worldwide.

However, stories started coming out the theatrical version of the film wasn’t truly Ayer’s vision of the film and was edited by the company that put together the first Suicide Squad trailer and a large chunk of Jared Leto’s Joker was cut out of the film including scenes we saw in the trailers.


A big reason why Warner Bros is doing this is probably because of how successful the Home Entertainment sells of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – Ultimate Edition were and it went on to be praised by those who didn’t like the theatrical cut and got fans annoyed at the studio for not releasing the UE version in cinemas in the first place.


By the looks of the short trailer released on Twitter, the tone of the film will stay the same, but why didn’t they release this version in the first place because the theatrical version was only two hours and 10 minutes long.

You’ll be getting 13 minutes of new footage in the home entertainment release which will probably include, Leto’s cut Joker scenes, scenes between Joker and Dr Harleen Quinzel, the bar scene, Harley imagine her baseball bat was a gun and more.


Unlike most people, I liked Batman v Superman, but the Ultimate Edition is far superior. I also enjoyed Suicide Squad as a fun, summer action film, but can see the glaring issues with plot and actual structure, so hopefully these extra 13 minutes and some editorial changes can make the film better.

However, this has to be the last time Warner Bros does something like this because it's showing the fans they’re only carrying about making more money out of us.They need to let Patty Jenkins edit the film and release her version and only do Ultimate Editions/Extended Cut of major event films like Justice League.

You can check out the trailer below.

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