Monday, 11 February 2019

Titans - The Best DC TV Show & Looking Into Season Two


In the past month or so I was FINALLY able to binge watch DC’s Titans on Netflix as Warner Bros seem to have a deal with the streaming service for the international rights instead of bringing DC Universe worldwide and likes even likelier that it’ll remain US only which sucks.

However, after watching the season finale it’s safe to say for me this is the best DC TV series they’ve done since the first two seasons of Arrow. The darker, more adult tone suits me better than the Arrowverse (which I still enjoy) and I’ve enjoyed seeing these characters grow as Brenton Thwaites has become Dick Grayson for me to the point I would’ve loved to seen his Robin and Ben Affleck’s Batman together.


As for his fellow Aussie star Teagan Croft as done wonderfully bring the emotional angle to Raven and it’s different to the version growing up with the Teen Titans. I do hope, as it appears to be teased, she gets a more comic look basically see Raven wearing a cloak.

Also hopefully as season 2 goes along and she learns her powers, I’d kinda love to see Constantine or Zatanna help and she starts doing magic spells.

Speaking of Raven, her relationship Gar Logan/ Beast Boy has been one of the bright moments as their chemistry clicks and Ryan Potter has been fantastic from the beginning. Hopefully, we’ll see his powers grow and transform into more creatures both big and small.


As for Anna Diop, it took me a couple of episodes for me to get use to this version of Starfire but once I did, she becomes one of my favourites and really enjoyed the journey and seeing the ruthless killer side of her.


Elsewhere, I’ve been a fan of Alan Ritchson since Blue Mountain State and thought he’d be a great Shazam and even watching him in Titans did make me think he’d be a decent Batman and excited to see what happens with Hawk and Mika Kelly’s Dove in season two.

Meanwhile, I’m sure we’ll see Curran Walters reoccur as Jason Todd’s Robin and hopefully lose the surfer bro as it does get annoying but with the storyline of Todd, my hope is we see season two as his last season as Robin but more than that shortly.

The one thing I didn’t enjoy was basically Thwaites’ Dick shagging every woman that walks but his sibling relationship with Donna Troy was fun to watch as they know what it’s like being the sidekicks.

As for the second season, it looks like Troy will be becoming a member of the team bringing Wonder Girl back. Even though the leaked image for her costume wasn’t the best first look it still looked decent and hopefully looks better once the official image is released.

Moving Onto Season 2

The series looks to begin in the same darkness it left us as Grayson is now under the control of Trigon and it looks set to be the big bad throughout the season, but more villains are set to come.

As the main antagonist looks to be Deathstroke, which was confirmed by show producer Geoff Johns and if it’s to be believed Slade Wilson will be joined by his children Joe and Rose Wilson aka Jericho and Ravager.

This all points towards Season 2 of Titans will be an adaptation of The Judas Contract and I wouldn’t be surprised if this is revealed by the end of the premiere that Trigon hire the Wilson’s to hunt down the Titans and bring his daughter back.

Meanwhile, before watching the series I knew Krypto The Superdog would appear as spoilers came out on social media but didn’t read them or watch YouTube videos. However, while watching the season, I think by the Hank and Dawn episode, I did wonder if they’d add Superboy.

So I was generally excited to see Conner Kent breakout of Cadmus naked and buff as fuck kicking all the scientists and breaking Krypto free.

It’s going to be exciting as to who they cast because they need to get to the shape as its double body Brooker Muir because damn!

As for the costume, I hope they do a mixture of the Young Justice Black Superman tee and jeans with the leather jacket and shaved sides and back of the head.

Elsewhere, will the killing of the scientists I hope this points towards seeing Conner use more of his Lex Luthor side and uses his cunning gets his way through and uses his strength to make a point. Additionally, Krypto will bring out his softer Superman side.

We’ll likely see Superboy vs Robin, Superboy vs Wonder Girl (and they form an attraction) and Beast Boy will become best friends with Krypto.

Throughout the season, we’ll hopefully see cameos from Doom Patrol including Cyborg and hint towards Victor Stone joining the Titans. Hawk and Dove and Jason Todd will once again make appearances.

My hope is in the season 2 finale Dick finally becomes Nightwing but gets a call from Alfred tell him Joker murdered Jason and this would lead into the third season of Red Hood showing up.

Whatever happens, I’m excited as to where the show will go in season two, seeing the official casting news and images of the actors in their costumes and that first official trailer at San Diego Comic Con 2019. Then wait until 2020 to watch the show.

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