Monday, 19 September 2016

Green Room - Just Like A Great Punk Song, Short, Sweet With A Lot Of Bang

Certificate – 18
Directed by – Jeremy Saulnier
Starring – Anton Yelchin; Imogen Poots; Patrick Stewart; Alla Shawkat; Callum Turner; Joe Cole; Macon Blair; Mark Webber.
Running Time – 93 minutes (1 hour 33 minutes)



It’s a very sombre moment when you watch Anton Yelchin deliver a fantastic performance like the one he delivers in Green Room.

After witnessing a shocking crime, a young punk band is unexpectedly thrust into a life-or-death battle to escape the clutches of a diabolical club owner (Stewart) and his ruthless henchmen in this white-knuckle thriller.

Well isn’t this film intense as fuck! You differently need to be in the right frame of mind to sit and watch this film.


However, with this tension, Saulnier does give the film well earn doses of dark humour and it doesn’t shy away when it gets bloody violent. 

Saulnier also shot the film beautiful from the wide, beautiful scenery to becoming more and more claustrophobic when the band play the gig and when stuck in the green room. There was also a feeling of we’re all alone out here when shit goes down.

Performances from Yelchin, Poots and Stewart were phenomenal. As I said previously, you sometimes feel sad when you know this Yelchin’s last performances.


Meanwhile, I’ve never been so terrified of Stewart in my entire life. He plays one evil, and I mean purely vicious, bastard and it’s the fact he has this calm one note delivery to everything he says.


As for Poots, I haven’t seen her in much, and my god this girl can act. Like Stewart, she doesn’t flick an eyelid to the violence and stays so calm and cool. I can’t wait to see where her career goes from here.


The same goes for Saulnier, I can’t wait to see here his career goes because has the storytelling and directing skills to join this new wave of horror directors and it won’t be too soon until he gets his hands working on blockbuster films.

Like any great punk song, it’s short and sweet with a lot of bang. A brilliant film with fantastic performances and the perfect film to watch during Halloween or an autumn evening. Highly recommended you see this film ASAP!

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