Thursday, 22 September 2016

Time Warner Chief Jeff Bewkes Says DC Films Have "A Little Room For Improvement."

In a meeting with investors on Wednesday, Time Warner chairman-CEO Jeff Bewkes said there is “a little room for improvement” when it comes to creative execution of Warner Bros’ DC Comics movie slate.

However, according to Variety, he stressed Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad have been financially successful and have achieved the larger strategic goal of reinvigorating these classic DC characters for a new generation of moviegoers.

Bewkes didn’t shy away from answering questions about the critical response to BvS and Suicide Squad and backing Geoff Johns continuing comments to bring more light to the DCEU saying “The DC Comics characters have a little more lightness in them than maybe what you saw in those movies, so we’re thinking about that.”

The one major criticism towards aimed at WB’s handling of their DC Cinematic Universe and the fact there wasn’t a clear version of where these films were heading. Bewkes said the studio enlisted DC Entertainment’s president Johns and production guru Jon Berg to take a firm hold of guiding the upcoming DC slate.

He also doesn’t see reversing in the studio's plan of releasing a string DC Films through until 2020, with Wonder Woman and Justice League released in 2017.


“The strategy worked, the execution did deliver what we wanted to do.” Bewkes went on to add “We can do a little better on the creative…. We’re right on course or better (with the plan)".

He used Suicide Squad’s box office legs and at the moment it’s made $720 million worldwide at the box office since being released in August.

“The main thing was to launch DC and reinvigorate it with the fan base,” he said. “The reboot of Batman with Ben Affleck with a big success.” Then Bewkes talked about the positive reaction towards Gal Gadot’s debut as Wonder Woman in Batman v Superman.


I’m glad Bewkes acknowledged the issues the films are having at the moment, but with Johns and Berg handling the ship, we’ll see what happens with Wonder Woman.

However, Johns involvement has already been felt, writing the script and working closely with director Patty Jenkins in Wonder Woman, working with Affleck on Justice League and co-writing the script for his solo Batman film, working closely with James Wan on the story for Aquaman and you know he must be talking to The Flash director Rick Famuyiwa.

Aquaman and The Flash are rumoured to be starting pre-production by the end of the year.

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