Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Kevin Feige Reveals Miles Morales IS A Part Of The MCU


Even though Marvel Studios focus is on introducing Tom Holland’s Peter Parker/Spider-Man into the MCU with Homecoming, but this doesn’t mean they don’t have plans for another Spider-Man.

Sony Pictures announced earlier this year or the back end of last year that Miles Morales’ Spider-Man will finally get his first ever big screen adventure with his standalone animation film, but fans still hope to see the highly popular hero will show up in live-action.


So if Marvel boss Kevin Feige is to believe, Miles Morales IS a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe… in some way.

Before I continue, this ISN’T a spoiler for Spider-Man: Homecoming, but if you do want to continue it will reveal something for the film that comes out in eight days. To be honest, I was a little pissed, but it’s nothing major.


While talking to Screen Crush, Feige acknowledged Morales is a part of the MCU, although it’s just an Easter Egg.

The only mention comes when Glover’s character Aaron Davis references his nephew, who is the superhero Miles.

Despite only being an Easter Egg, Feige is teasing a possibility of seeing the alternative Spider-Man down the road.

“All these little things are just Easter eggs for fans until they’re something more than that. But anything that’s happened in the books is potential material for us,” he revealed.

“In the meantime, I think Miles is a big part of the animated movie that Sony’s making. But where we go… we definitely want you to go, ‘He’s there. He’s there somewhere.’”


Holland confirmed he is signed up to do a new trilogy of Spider-Man films, although only two of them are under the Marvel Studios banner and I think this could be worked out into something related to the Sony Marvel Universe.

The upcoming Venom (starring Tom Hardy) and the Black Cat and Sliver Sable films at Sony could be the future of either Holland’s Spider-Man or Miles Morales’ Spidey.

We’ll have to wait and see.

Finally, Feige also revealed that Peter Parker has been a part of the MCU for years, as it was recently confirmed that the highly popular fan theory of the little boy in Iron Man 2 is in fact, Parker.

However, this is bollocks from the Marvel chief and is only used to retconning.

Spider-Man: Homecoming swings into UK cinemas on July 5 and in the US on July 7.

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