Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Of Course The DCEU Is Still Connected!

Last week, DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson and DC Films Co-Chief Geoff Johns sat down with US entertainment website – Vulture during San Diego Comic-Con and they covered a wide range of topics within DC and their movie department.

It’s a fantastic, fascinating read and brilliantly written by Abraham Riesman. He was able to mix his personality and personal preference without talking down to people who’ve liked the movies in the DCEU (even though it turns out to be a LIE!).

However, after this feature was released fans were mixed to people who thought it was an interesting and exciting look into the future of these DC Films and then you had the mental people thinking it was Riesman taking a shot on the DCEU and Johns shooting Zack Snyder.

Let’s repeat those people are a bit mental! What didn’t help the craziness was entertainment “bloggers” and “reporters” writing clickbaity bullshit in their headlines and articles mixing Riesman’s piece to fit their point of view. To the point, Johns had to go on Twitter the next day to reinsure fans.

So set a few things 100% clear! Yes, The DCEU is still connected in the same way that Man of Steel, Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman are connected to the universe.

The difference is Jon Berg and Johns are looking to make it more loosely compared to their friend Kevin Feige at Marvel.

Marvel had different interconnections with the solo films leading towards the first Avengers movie then past Avengers, each movie since has been leading towards Infinity War.

Just look at the future planning Age of Ultron suffered from plotting towards Infinity War, Captain America: Civil War and Thor: Ragnarok. Additionally, Civil War planned Spider-Man: Homecoming and Black Panther.

Then look at the DCEU it won’t be following that way, like Batman v Superman did and Justice League will be doing, but as Johns states “The movie’s not about another movie. Some of the movies do connect the characters, like Justice League.

“But, like with Aquaman, our goal is not to connect Aquaman to every movie.”

As it should be! I want to see Aquaman kicking rock’n’roll asses and not have to worry about seeing The Flash showing up for a fishing trip. Again, this wouldn’t be new news from Warner Bros and DC as Man of Steel didn’t connect to anything and Wonder Woman was its own story with a small reference to BvS at the beginning, while Suicide Squad briefly had Batman and Flash, referenced Superman’s death and an end credit scene referencing Justice League.

If you want to use the Marvel thing again, Thor: Ragnarok looks like its own thing, Doctor Strange was a solo film and you can tell Black Panther will be its own disconnected story away from Avengers.

As Nelson stated, “Moving forward, you’ll see the DC movie universe being a universe, but one that comes from the heart of the filmmaker who’s creating them.”

WHAT’S HARD TO UNDERSTAND?! Yes, the DCEU will still be connected with specific references. For example, Matt Reeves’ Batman will be its own story in the universe, but you won’t see Diana Prince show up for afternoon tea and a gossip (I bet Batman is a right bitch when it comes to the gossip).

Furthermore, isn’t this what people wanted? Not to have everything having to mean something and want a superhero to be just a film coming from a director and not a footpath?

Yet, people were going saying DC need to do their own thing and have a vision instead of copying Marvel and once they have a vision (a brilliant one at that!) they’re now directionless and need to have a Kevin Feige because we’re not going to see Nightwing being flatmates with Cyborg.

Here are my predictions to how the future DC Films will connect:

Shazam – Billy Batson will have posters of the Justice League in his room and will have a teenage crush on Wonder Woman. Batson will have references to Superman and Flash when he transforms into Captain Marvel. Possible cameo from Henry Cavill.

Aquaman – Reference to Justice League at the end of the film.

Nightwing – Reference Dick’s relationship with Bruce and cameo from Ben Affleck.

Batgirl – Obviously, JK Simmons will star as Jim Gordon, Affleck’s Batman will be a big part to play in the film and maybe Joker and Harley Quinn.

Wonder Woman 2 – Reference to Steve Trevor and events in Wonder Woman.

Suicide Squad 2 – Obviously some return characters from Suicide Squad. Probably some reference to the events in Justice League.

See look at how easy that was to have a connecting DC Universe with only a few elements whilst still being their own film.

So can people just chill the fuck out because I don’t want to backhand slap everyone from DC shells who thinks everyone is against them, “journalists” who think people who prefer these films as they suit their taste as brainless zombies and the “bloggers” and “reporters” who continue to talk bullshit with their clickbait stories.

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