Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Happy Death Day 2U - A Fun, Funny Sci-Fi Slasher

Certificate – 15
Directed By – Christopher Landon
Starring – Jessica Rothe, Israel Broussard, Ruby Modine, Suraj Sharma, Rachel Matthews, Charles Aitken.
Running Time – 100 Minutes (1 Hour 40 Minutes)



Happy Death Day 2U is the comedic horror sequel in which Tree (Rothe) relives the same day repeatedly, but this time something is different.

As someone who isn't a fan of horror films, I didn't see the original film but heard a lot of people say how much fun it was which I made me interested in seeing this sequel. I was still unsure before the screening which made me email the PR people to make sure it wasn't too scary and I can confirm it isn't. 


What it is, is an enjoyable, fun and funny slasher with great use of a Paramore song and I will think of this movie whenever the song comes on for the foreseeable future. Additionally, the use of sci-fi in the movie worked surprisingly well and it has a lot of heart which makes it easy to route for Rothe.

Speaking of, Rothe kills it in the lead and plays the situation perfectly with seriously good comic timing and the film wouldn't be what it is without her. The supporting cast do their job decently.

You can also see writer/director Landon equally having a great time with the tongue-in-cheek nature whilst furthering the story and having fun with the different deaths. The filmmaker also bringing in nods to 80s movies like The Breakfast Club and Back To The Future. I think there’s a Spider-Man reference as well.

I enjoyed this film so much that I'll be going back to watch the first film and hope they round off the trilogy and call it either Happy Death Day <3 or Happy Death Day 3some.

The film is a great time at the cinema and if you want to watch something different during this Valentines weekend, what says "I love you" like seeing a blonde American college girl being murdered/dying repeatedly. 



A fun, funny, enjoyable slasher sequel with a wicked lead performance from Rothe.

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