Friday 11 March 2016

Captain America: Civil War Trailer

“Hey everyone”

The second/final Captain America: Civil War trailer was released to the world yesterday. I have to admit and let you know I’m not the biggest Marvel film fan, I have huge respect for Kevin Feige and what he’s done, as a cinema goer they’re not what I like to watch.

Don’t get me wrong the first Avengers film was good and I enjoyed it, but I think Guardians of the Galaxy is overrated, though I liked Chris Pratt as Star-Lord, and then I disliked Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Anyway, the first Civil War trailer didn’t really do much for me, I didn’t cry/got emotional when Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr) said “So was I” when talking about his friendship with Captain America (Chris Evans). Then the footage Marvel showed during the superbowl was good, more action to get me interested, but it was the voiceover/soundtrack that won me over.

However, this trailer did do its job and making me want to see the film and it was a mixture of things. It started with the video recordings of the destruction of New York, Washington and Sokovia and the film finally taking a stand and saying “you’ve done this and we’re going to start holding you accountable” plus seeing Scarlett Witch being visibly upset and Cap wanting to protect her was a good moment.

The other scenes involving Bucky/The Winter Solider (Sebastian Stan) and Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) fighting really got me interested because I think Black Panther is only here for one thing and that’s to capture/kill Bucky for destroying his home country of Wakanda.

The other scene that’s really interested me is when Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Stark are talking, in what I’m guessing is Avengers HQ, and telling him “I’m not the one that needs to watch my back” and I think Widow is going to be the entry point as film fans because we see and understand both sides of the argument and see her struggle to pick sides and then I think we’ll see her switch sides anyway by the time the big street fight happens.

Also the dark/grim tone of the trailer drew me in; it’s what I like, which is why I’m so excited for the DC Cinematic Universe.

Now let’s talk about the first showing of Spiderman in the MCU. I don’t have an issue they showed him in the trailer because a lot of causal film fans wouldn’t have known he was in the film until now and I have 100% faith in Tom Holland doing a great job in the role.

However, as a first impression, I wasn’t impressed and felt underwhelmed. His suit looks terrible, comparing it to previous costumes Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield wore, Holland looks like a CGI, rubber bubble and I mean if this was what they were going to show, I would have preferred Marvel not showing it at all.

I’m a Spiderman fan and it’s great his eyes move like Deadpool, but the directors Joe and Anthony Russo really need to get improving on that suit now before they finish post production. Otherwise, I’ll be thinking of this when he comes on screen.

Anyway bravo Marvel for cutting a really good trailer and getting me “Marvel hater” on board and wanting to see the film, but do something with Spiderman.

Captain America: Civil War hits UK cinemas Friday 29th April.



1 comment:

  1. Great review of the new Captain America Trailer. I completely agree with you about Spider-man's suit, I did think it looked a little bit like Deadpool when I first saw it too. Overall, the new trailer has got me really excited for the film and I am sure it will live up to the hype. Although, I still haven't decided which side I am on yet.
