Friday, 3 August 2018

Matt Reeves Gives Brief Batman Update To Calm Everyone Down


Last night Matt Reeves gave an update on what’s happening with his Batman film and basically told everyone film, reporters, bloggers and fans to chill the fuck out he’s got this!

Speaking to Slashfilm (via Batman News) at the TCA’s (Television Critics Association) promoting his new drama, The Passage gave an update on The Batman script and possible target to start production.


“We are working on getting our draft [in] the next couple of weeks,” Reeves reveals. “Right now, my head is totally into the script. Right now, I’m going to be leaving here to go back to work on the script” he added.

Because as it’s the way doing anything superhero related, let alone Batman means you have no fucking life and apart of his research was sitting and reading many comic books to come up with an idea for his film including Year One.


As the War of the Planet of the Apes director states The Batman won’t be an origin story.

“We’re not doing any particular [comic], Year One is one of many comic books that I love. It’s just exciting to be focusing very specifically on a tale that is defining for him and very personal to him.

“Obviously we’re not doing an origin tale or anything like that. We’re doing a story that is definitively Batman though and trying to tell a story that’s emotional and yet is really about him being the world’s greatest detective and all the things that for me, since I was a kid, made me love Batman” said Reeves.

Plus when he’s saying “we” he’s either talking about his writing partner from the Apes films Mark Bomback or Warner Bros.

The fact he states this won’t be an origin film will be music to fan's ears because similar to Spider-Man we’ve seen enough of the Wayne’s getting shot and dying. Plus who isn’t excited to see a kick-ass detective Batman.


We’ve only ever seen it in moments in Chris Nolan’s films and in Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman.

Furthermore, Reeves goes on to repeat what he said last about this film being “very point of view noir-driven definitive Batman story in which he is investigating a particular case that takes us out into the world of Gotham.”

Which again sounds fucking awesome! I sort of hope he and Warner Bros has the balls to go full old-school noir and release the film in black and white with Michael Seresin on as cinematographer.

According to Slashfilm “Reeves said he was still talking speaking with Affleck, but was coy about who might play the caped crusader in the film.” However, he again reported himself be confirming the film will be in the DCU.

“There are ways in which all of this connects to DC, to the DC Universe as well. We’re one piece of many pieces so I don’t want to comment on that except to say that I’m focused very specifically on this aspect of the DC world.”

One way they could have it be both its own thing and apart of the current DCU is have Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne tell Carrie Keeley or Damon Wayne a story about Gotham in the past and let a young actor take over and play Batman in the whole film.

It’s best for everyone.

Finally, as for a possible filming start date for The Batman? “What we’ve talked about is hopefully in the spring or early summer, something like that” revealed the Apes helmer.

So can everyone calm down now? Reeves clearly knows what he’s doing considering he directed two films from one of the modern day classic trilogies and I’m sure we’ll hear news on the completed script and story as well as the official start of pre-production in September.

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