Friday, 12 October 2018

LFF 2018 Review - Sorry To Bother You

Certificate – 15
Directed By – Boots Riley
Starring – Lakeith Stanfield, Tessa Thompson, Jermaine Fowler, Steven Yeun, Armie Hammer, Omari Hardwick.
Running Time – 112 Minutes (1 Hour 52 Minutes)


In the past 24 hours, I’ve been processing what I saw with Sorry To Bother You as it was a film I was looking forward to thanks to the trailers, but this isn’t the film you think it is.

I don’t mean this in a bad way. It just takes an interesting turn from satirical comedy to something else, something more unsettling.

Sorry To Bother You is set in an alternate reality of present-day Oakland, telemarketer Cassius Green (Stanfield) finds himself in a macabre universe after he discovers a magical key that leads to material glory. As Green’s career begins to take off, his friends and co-workers organise a protest against corporate oppression. Cassius soon falls under the spell of Steve Lift (Hammer), a cocaine-snorting CEO who offers him a salary beyond his wildest dreams.

The world director Riley created was a something that could scarily happen in the future and pokes fun at capitalism, entertainment and how stupid the world sometimes can be.

Additionally, you can see Riley has fun exploring different genres like comedy, drama but clearly sci-fi as well. Which comes into play more so as the film enters the third act.

I did think I was a smartarse and saw the twist, but nope nothing I thought could’ve been more wrong.


As for the performances, Stanfield is a star and someone to look out for in 2019 as you root for him and support all of his decisions throughout and his chemistry with Thompson is a joy to watch.

On the other hand, his could be down to the fact I love Thompson but she is a joy to watch because not only will she be one of the most sort after actresses in Hollywood for a lot of major blockbusters, she someone who will return to the indies where it seems she stretch her legs more.


As the strong, sexy, independent Detriot (which she gives a funny reason behind her name), you can see Thompson had fun exploring the character.

The supporting cast does play an important role in making Cassius who he’ll be including Yeun and Fowler with Hammer being the standout. Even though, he plays a massive dickhead there’s something watchable about him. If I see his name I do get excited and have enjoyed everything I’ve seen him in, yes even The Lone Ranger.



Sorry To Bother You could become a cult favourite as it has everything going for it. Reily’s brilliant directing, strong performances from Stanfield and the mixture of genres.

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