Friday 5 August 2016

Could Star Wars TV Series Be Closer Then We Thought?


A Star Wars live action TV series could be coming to a galaxy closer than we thought.
Having a Star Wars TV show have been rumoured for years before Disney bought the rights to Lucasfilm. In 2005, George Lucas was working on Star Wars: Underworld (rumoured title) set in the timespan of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Episode IV: A New Hope focusing on the smugglers, gangsters and bounty hunters and at one point had over fifty different scripts, but ultimately the project died.


Fast forward 11 years and after being bought by Disney, Star Wars is back in the mainstream, after the mega success of The Force Awakens and the upcoming Rogue One, so it’s understandable US TV station ABC (owned by Disney) would be interested.


While talking to reporters ABC entertainment president Channing Dungey said: “As a fan, I would absolutely love to say yes (to a Star Wars show).”

Even though this quote is a “well duh” thing to say, it’s what Dungey added next which is interesting “We have had conversations, and we will continue to have conversations with Lucasfilm. It would be wonderful to extend the franchise.”

I’m all for a Star Wars TV show, it just depends on who’d be overseeing the project because Star Wars’ animated show Star Wars: Rebel has been a success for Disney XD and that’s down to Dave Filoni. So if Filoni would oversee this project then I’m game.


However, I do have reservations because ABC have done something similar with Marvel Studios and done spin-offs Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter and they recently had a plot for a SHIELD spinoff called Marvel’s Most Wanted and you can say all have them have done poorly.

After the plot Marvel’s Most Wanted was cancelled, after a poorly received second season Agent Carter was cancelled, the only one let standing (and barely) is Agents of SHIELD and it’s been moved to a later time.

Personally, if there’s going to be a Star Wars TV spinoff I’d like to see it on Netflix because unlike ABC their Marvel shows have been a huge success with Daredevil seasons one and two, Jessica Jones season one and Luke Cage is coming out next month. Plus, their darker tone could suit the franchise and give fans something different away from the films.


Also, how awesome and exciting would it be to hear news of a Star Wars Netflix show.

Story via Digital Spy

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