Leonardo DiCaprio pretends to love two things in this world, his mother and the Earth with his true love being his Oscar.
Ever since winning the Academy Award, he’s been like Gollum from Lord of the Rings and probably starts every conversation with “Have you met my friend Oscar…”
I joke obviously, but he does actually cares about the environment (he mentioned it in his award-winning speech) and spent time making a climate change documentary called Before The Flood, which is probably as fun as watching paint dry.
So to get more people interested and take notice of what’s happening to planet Earth, DiCaprio along with his Appian Way Productions company and Paramount Pictures are bringing possibly the shittest superhero ever to the big screen – Captain Planet.
Luckily, this cartoon was shown before I was even born airing between September 1990 to December 1992. It followed five teenagers who united to encourage us to be more environmentally responsible behaviour and summoned a superhero to battle ecological disasters.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the script is being penned by Sons of Anarchy’s Jono Matt and Scream Queens star Glen Powell. The story would centre on a washed-up has-been superhero who needs his old sidekicks more than they need him.
You can bring things to the modern age and there could be a case for this film is needed right now, but not everything needs to be brought back and this sounds so utterly crap, I don’t think anything will get me excited for his film.
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