Monday, 7 November 2016

Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders - ZIP! BUFF! POW!

Certificate – 12
Starring – Adam West; Burt Ward; Julie Newmar
Running Time – 78 minutes (1 hour 18 minutes)



The first time I ever watched anything Batman was the VHS of the 1966 Batman movie and I’ve loved the character ever since. Even though the film and the TV shows are campy as hell, Adam West said my favourite quote in a Batman movie.

So it’s great to see the remaining members of the 66 film to return for this new animated film.

It’s back to the 1960s as Batman (West) and Robin (Ward) spring into action when Gotham City is threatened by Batman’s most-evil opponents – The Penguin, The Joker, Riddler and Catwoman (Newmar). The four Super-Villains have combined their wicked talents to hatch a plot so nefarious that the dynamic duo will need to go to outer space (and back) to foil their arch enemies and restore order in Gotham City.


Yes, the film is as ridiculous as it sounds. In the same way, it’s utterly charming and reminds you how much fun you can have with a character we all now to know as a serious superhero and I’m sure the upcoming Lego Batman movie will have the same spirit as West’s Batman.

Speaking of West, he’s the MVP of the film and his voice hasn’t aged a bit and I recommend you buying the DVD for West’s performances alone. He seamlessly becomes Batman again and saying some brilliant campy and ridiculous things like the lessons of J-walking, we also see West’s Batman like we’ve never done before.


Meanwhile, with Burt and Newmar you can hear their ages, but in the case of Ward, it only adds to the fun of the film and it’s kinda hilarious hearing a 71-year-old talking like a teenager. Also, I’d like to make to mention Jeff Bergman who did an awesome job of voicing The Joker and bringing the voice of Cesar Romero back.


I was worried around the half-an-hour mark there wasn’t enough story to stretch an entire film, but luckily there’s enough campy plot twists to keep you entertained.


A funny, campy return to the world of 60s Batman and West hasn’t lost a step. Perfect for families and a film to introduce kids to Batman.

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