Thursday, 11 January 2018

X-Men Spin-Off Gambit Film Loses ANOTHER Director!


X-Men spin-off movie Gambit has to find someone else to take control after it lost its THIRD director.

The film that’s becoming a bit of a joke within Hollywood has been in production hell for years at 20th Century Fox after being continually delayed and it comes to the point I feel sorry for the Channing Tatum, who’s been attached to play Gambit it seems now like forever.

Poor Tatum, all he wants to do is to play a superhero and everytime his hopes rise, they’re quickly destroyed and he takes his Greek god bod and face home to wait for someone else to helm the project.

The X-Men film has undergone multiple rewrites to find the right tone and rumoured budgets of $150+ million, which just f*cking stupid. After Rupert Wyatt and Doug Liman both quit the film, it seemed everything was looking up as Pirates of the Caribbean’s Gore Verbinski was hired last year and was to begin filming in New Orleans within a few weeks.


However, Deadline broke the story that Verbinski has now left due to “scheduling issues with several other projects on the director’s plate.”

Firstly, I’m calling massive BS on the reason why Verbinski left because he’s not exactly a busy director with good CV at the moment whose last good film was the first Pirates of the Caribbean film.

Secondly, HOW HARD IS IT TO MAKE A GAMBIT MOVIE!! It’s Gambit! An X-Men character the wider audience doesn’t know and if ask someone would say “Is he that guy who throws magic cards in the shitty Wolverine movie?” the answer to which is yes!

Finally, the “tone” for this joke of a project is an action-heist film with some humour dusked on top and it doesn’t need a budget over $60 million.

Fox is a great studio and I’ll miss it dearly when it’s gone and under the Disney banner, but seriously either do three things, cancel the project, cancel and put Gambit in X-Force and let Deadpool take the continuous piss out of him because at least you can use Tatum or find an indie or TV director to control this mess.


Fox has currently got a US release date of February 14, 2019 (HAHAHA), but there’s no news regarding any changes to it given the new info.

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