Monday, 16 July 2018

Tomb Raider - Vikander Kick Ass In This Action-Adventure Film Worth Owning

Certificate – 12
Directed By – Roar Uthaug
Starring – Alicia Vikander; Walton Goggins; Dominic West; Kristen Scott Thomas; Daniel Wu; Nick Frost: Jaime Winstone.
Running Time – 118 Minutes (1 Hour 58 Minutes)

Film & Bonus Features - ★★★★


Earlier in the year Tomb Raider came out and sadly bombed in the US market, but thanks to the International audiences the film became a worldwide box office hit making $273.5 million dollars on a budget of $94 million.

So hopefully, MGM and Warner Bros will put the money behind to continue the franchise as this has been the best video game adaptation ever and with the origin story out of the way, we can now focus on the sequel.

Tomb Raider follows Laura Croft (Vikander) embarking on a dangerous journey in search of her dad’s last known destination in which she’ll push her body and mind to the limits as she journeys into the unknown.


As I’ve previously stated director Uthaug has helmed the best video game movie ever, now granted that’s not a hard thing to become but with Vikander running, jumping and all round arse-kicking throughout this film it has made it a lot more entertaining and exciting to watch.

When I reviewed the film before it hit cinema’s (click here to read it) I said it reminded me of Batman Begins and while it doesn’t even touch it in regards to quality, it still has similar beats as we see Lara Croft become the legend, which is why we hopefully get a sequel as we can just focus on crafting a better story.


It’s not to say Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Alastair Siddons’ script wasn’t good, I liked it, but it was basic and needs some more meat. Hopefully, Robertson-Dworet returns either with someone alongside or on her own to give audiences that better story.

The only visible letdown was the CGI from time-to-time and the supporting cast as Wu could’ve been given more (hopefully in the sequel) and Walton Goggins was a poor villain, but you could understand his point of view.

As for the Blu-ray bonus features, they’re exactly what you want and as a fan of bonus features, they’re worth the watch, especially seeing the training Vikander did for the role and the stunt work for the rapids sequence.


I just wish they had a commentary with Uthaug, producers/writers and Vikander and some deleted scenes or maybe behind the scenes with Junkie XL composing his fantastic score.


This is a great start to a hopeful franchise, Vikander was great in the lead role and Uthaug showed he can helm a major studio property. Fingers crossed for a sequel.

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