Thursday, 23 August 2018

The G.O.A.T Hans Zimmer Is Returning To The DC Universe To Score Wonder Woman 1984


The G.O.A.T is back.

That’s right, after announcing his retirement from composing superhero films, Hans Zimmer is returning to the DC Universe to score Wonder Woman 1984.

Film Music Reporter broke the story revealing the Zimmer has signed on for the superhero sequel directed by Patty Jenkins.

Rupert Greyson-Williams scored the original film and did a fantastic job building on what Zimmer did in Batman v Superman with Wonder Woman’s theme and Tino Guo’s legendary cello solo to create his own thing.

Grayson-Williams did so brilliantly that, not only does listening to Amazons of Themyscira still makes me emotional, he was given the reigns for James Wan's Aquaman. So it’s more than understandable he’d want to do something else away from superheroes.

Zimmer is clearly no stranger to DC films with The Dark Knight Trilogy, which made him more of a household name to many film fans and possibly casual audiences. After creating some of the most iconic music for Batman, he moved onto Superman and made more iconic music to the point his score will be more remembered than John Williams with Man of Steel.

The final time Hans was in the DCU was with Batman v Superman working alongside Junkie XL who handled the Batman side while he continued with Superman.

Following BvS, Zimmer announced he was retiring from composing superhero business in 2016, but last year it was confirmed he’d be coming out to handle X-Men: Dark Phoenix and now he’s back in the DC family.

Zimmer isn’t only known for his work in the superhero genre, he worked on Disney’s Lion King, Dunkirk, Sherlock Holmes, Interstellar, Inception, Pirates of the Caribbean, Gladiator and many many more with his upcoming projects being the live action Lion King and Steve McQueen’s Widows.

It’s awesome news Zimmer is back home because he’ll be completing the set for the DC Trinity and with the 80s setting could hear something new from the legendary composer.


Just imagine the music for the fight scenes between Wonder Woman and Cheetah and the return on Steve Trevor because played right he’ll probably make us cry.

If you haven’t had the chance to see him live I’d fully recommend you doing so and you’ll have an absolutely incredible time.

In the meantime, I’d fully recommend checking out the Hans Zimmer: Live In Prague album on Spotify.

Wonder Woman 1984 is to be released in the UK on November 1, 2019.

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