Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Henry Golding & Emilia Clarke Join Paul Feig's Last Christmas


“The greatest movies are the ones you want to watch again and again, and Love Actually is one that’s religiously played on a loop every Christmas. So I couldn’t wait to meet its writer/director for the first time, and grill him on all things Love.”

This is how Paul Feig described Love Actually when meeting its director Richard Curtis to discuss the movie for Empire Magazine’s director-on-director interviews.

So it comes to no surprise that the Bridesmaids helmer is handling a London based holiday romance called Last Christmas.

The plot is still unknown but the script was written by Emma Thompson and Bryony Kimmings.

So for me, this sounds like Feig’s own version of Love Actually if you add the fact of Thompson’s involvement and it’s going to be released by Universal the same studio that released Love back in 2003.

Now Feig has now found his leading stars in form of Crazy Rich Asians Henry Golding and Emilia Clarke, best known for Game of Thrones.


The Hollywood Reporter broke the story and I think this is a great move for both actors.

Golding has recently worked with Feig on A Simple Favour and has now blown up thanks to Crazy Rich Asians to became the next leading man. Meanwhile, this could be something for Clarke to get a boost if she wants to gain more movie roles as she is yet to impress a number of critics.

I’m not one of them as she broke my heart in 2016’s Me Before You and more recently in Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Finally, as a fan of rom-coms and Love Actually is my favourite movie ever and this film has all the elements of being a film to see for me.

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