Tuesday, 18 September 2018

The First Trailer For Captain Marvel Is Out And Its Awesome!


When Brie Larson was cast as Captain Marvel it became one of my most anticipated Marvel films and I’m easily looking forward to this more than Avengers 4 similar to Black Panther being superior to Infinity War.

The main reason is we’re going to see something different from Marvel Studios (even though I fully expect this will have the same template to previous MCU movies it’ll likely be a mix of the first Iron Man and Guardians of the Galaxy).

The main reason for my excitement is Larson herself, I think she’s wonderful and can do no wrong including punching old women in the face! (Yes, I know she's a Skrull) The second and third reasons were Jude Law and Gemma Chan.


This excitement as grew even more now the first trailer as be released revealing some of the backstory of Carol Danvers and why she's Marvel's most powerful superhero. Plus during the process of this trailer, some amazing gifs have been created.

I’m going to fully admit the first time the close up of Larson in the awesome helmet I originally thought Marvel/Kevin Feige/the films directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck revealed a major surprised that Nova was in the movie.


But hey I’m an idiot and again the Oscar winner looks rad with the mohawk.


Elsewhere, we meet a de-aged Nick Fury with Samuel L. Jackson already playing him as a man who’s too old for this shit and this is in the 90s! Additionally, see Clark Gregg’s baby-faced Coulson just a shame there was no long, grudge hairstyle to match.


Speaking of grudge the only personal disappointment was the trailer didn’t have any grudge music like Nine Inch Nails, Soundgarden, Nirvana etc but hopefully in the movie itself will feature some, it has too right?

I think people will talk about two money shots and will be reused gifs and that’s the words “Her A Hero” which was perfectly done and the final shoot of seeing Danvers in the iconic blue, gold and red Captain Marvel suit.

Obviously for more of the comedy is memes and gifs of Larson punching old people.

Finally, lets not, which will definitely happen because Twitter and social media, compare Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman.

Captain Marvel opens in UK cinemas March 8, 2019.

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