Thursday, 27 September 2018

The Wife - Showcase Of Glenn Close's Powerhouse Performance

Certificate – 15
Directed By – Bjõrn Runge
Starring – Glenn Close; Jonathan Pryce; Max Irons; Christian Slater; Karin Franz Kõrlof; Harry Lloyd; Annie Starke; Alix Wilton Regan; Elizabeth McGovern
Running Time – 100 Minutes (1 Hour 40 Minutes)


Awards season has begun with a fantastic, gripping start in the form of Bjõrn Runge’s The Wife.

The Wife focuses on a devoted wife Joan Castleman (Close) questioning her life choices after her husband Joe (Pryce) is selected to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature.


You need to see this movie for one reason, Glenn Close’s utterly powerhouse performance as lead carrying this movie by gripping the audience from the beginning when she hears the news of her husband getting the Nobel Prize as we sympathise with her going through this journey as it twists and turns.

The reason for Close’s superb performance is due to the support of Pryce who holds his own but you can see he had no chance against his scene-stealing on-screen wife. Meanwhile, it felt like Irons used his real-life background to make the son more relatable.


The flashback scenes seeing younger Joan and Joe helped build more sympathy for both characters and were wonderfully played by Annie Starke and Harry Lloyd.

However, the only thing I didn’t find believable despite being a being seen as a genius was that Linnea (Karin Franz Kõrlof) would have any attraction to Joe.

As for the film itself, it was a breath of fresh air as it gets away from the summer blockbuster season and begins awards season and Close has planted her flag in the Best Actress race. Additionally, it was beautifully shot, has flashes of well-used humour and the final scene will make people think.


Glenn Close is incredible and should be watched and one to watch in the Best Actress race but the supporting cast helps and holds their own.

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